Here is how you get started!
Just type help as a direct message and there you can see the basic use cases
Filing expenses
You can auto-scan receipts uploaded in Slack
Type Spent $x for <purpose> on mm-dd to file an expense. For eg: spent $14.69 for lunch meeting with client on 9-27 and simply drop your receipt (png, jpg or pdf).
Type pending to view expenses pending approval.
Type modify to modify or delete expenses.
Type summary to get expense summaries for yourself.
Type report to download your expense reports.
Type po report to download your PO reports.
Type summary @username to view expense summaries of your reportees.
Type team report, with an optional date range, to download expense reports of your team.
Type po team report, with an optional date range, to download purchase order reports for your team.
Getting Purchase pre-approved via Purchase Orders (POs) and then billing against pre-approved POs
Type purchase $x for <purpose> to open a new purchase order.
Type pending po to view purchase orders awaiting approval.
Type modify to modify or delete purchase orders.
Learn about creating a mileage expense
Type drove x km/miles on mm-dd to file mileage expenses.
Approval of Expenses
When an employee files an expense for the first time, we ask them to set a manager to submit expenses for approval.
If the employee does not have a manager, then they can set themselves as their manager, and the expenses get approved automatically.
You can look up your current manager by typing "my manager" and set a new manager by typing "change manager".
If you need multi-level approval or more advanced expense routing based on employee department, expense category or expense amount, please connect to the support team by typing "Dialm" and we can help you setup
You can customise the settings panel that includes expense categories, defining departments for people, define custom budgets, advanced approvals systems and more.
You can also connect to your accounting software (QuickBooks Online and Xero) on the settings panel as well as connect to your Google Drive to sync your expense receipts.