By default all the expenses goes for approval to direct reporting manager however, you can define and set multiple logic.
To set approval rules, just head to dashboard by typing `settings` as a direct message to the app and under basic settings, you can define basic approval rules
Apart from basic approval rules, you can also define approval flow, where a filed expense have to go multiple layer of approval before getting paid. To set that up, head to Expense management --> Approval rules. You can set different approval rule for each criteria.
Lets set a rule based on expense amount: assume your company requires two level of approval if the expense amount is more than 50000
- Tap on amount from dropdown, set the value of amount to 50000. Then tap on Add approver, choose the approver and set it's level as 1.
As expense goes for two approvals, again tap on Add approver, choose the second approver and set it's level as 2.
Once both the approvers are set, save the approval rule by clicking on "Create".
Now when someone files an expense of amount lower than 50000, the expense will go to direct reporting manager of the user but if the expense amount is more than 50000 then expense first goes to David for approval and then to Trisha for approval once David approves it.
Similarly you can set approval rule based on expense category, department, and office too.