ExpenseTron encourages, real-time expense reporting and approval. You can now file your expenses on the go and not pile up yours expenses until the end of their trip. We recommend that while we do support filing all of the expenses related to a trip as a single trip report, we recommend against it.

Here is how trips works:

Just type "trips" as a direct message to the app and click on "Create new trip"

- Add the relevant details and click on create

You can now file all expenses for the trip

To submit the expenses, please type the expense details and select the trip from the drop-down menu.

Once all the trip expenses are filed, you need to end the trip and submit it for approval to your manager . 

Confirmation message to employee:


An unsubmitted trip can be edited by typing "Trips" and then clicking on the "Edit Trips" button.

Once submitted, all expenses associated with the trip are sent for approval and the manager can approve all of them with a single click.

Employee is notified about the approval/rejection of the expense


  • Once the trip is approved, we sync all approved expenses into your accounting software, if you have connected one. We support Xero and Quickbooks online for now.
  • An employee can have multiple trips at a time. Also trip always remains an optional field and you can continue to file non-trip related expenses as usual.
  • All employees create their own trips.